added a sound for the tambourine, spider web, and background music.\n- finally fixed the web animation\n- added Sir Jacques to the web animation\n- changed the way the fire point tracks the grapple
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121 lines
4.1 KiB
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Tutorial_GrapplingRope : MonoBehaviour {
[Header("General References:")]
public Tutorial_GrapplingGun grapplingGun;
public LineRenderer m_lineRenderer;
[Header("General Settings:")]
[SerializeField] private int precision = 40;
[Range(0, 20)] private float straightenLineSpeed = 5;
[Header("Rope Animation Settings:")]
public AnimationCurve ropeAnimationCurve;
[Range(0.1f, 4)] [SerializeField] private float startWaveSize = 2;
float waveSize = 0;
[Header("Rope Progression:")]
public AnimationCurve ropeProgressionCurve;
[SerializeField] [Range(1,50)] private float ropeProgressionSpeed = 1;
float moveTime = 0;
[HideInInspector] public bool isGrappling = true;
bool straightLine = false;
bool hasPlayedThwip = false;
[SerializeField] GameObject sirJacques;
private void OnEnable() {
// print("on enabled called");
moveTime = 0;
m_lineRenderer.positionCount = precision;
waveSize = startWaveSize;
straightLine = false;
m_lineRenderer.enabled = true;
private void OnDisable() {
// print("on disabled called");
m_lineRenderer.enabled = false;
isGrappling = false;
hasPlayedThwip = false;
private void LinePointsToFirePoint() {
sirJacques.transform.position = grapplingGun.firePoint.position;
for (int i = 0; i < precision; i++) {
m_lineRenderer.SetPosition(i, grapplingGun.firePoint.position);
void Update() {
moveTime += Time.deltaTime;
if (!hasPlayedThwip) {
hasPlayedThwip = true;
void DrawRope() {
// print("drawing");
// print("isGrappling: " + isGrappling);
if (!straightLine) {
// float roundedLinePos = Mathf.Round(m_lineRenderer.GetPosition(precision - 1).x * 100.0f) * .01f;
// float roundedGrapplePos = Mathf.Round(m_lineRenderer.GetPosition(precision - 1).x * 100.0f) * .01f;
// // print(roundedLinePos + " / " + roundedGrapplePos);
// if (roundedLinePos == roundedGrapplePos) {
if (m_lineRenderer.GetPosition(precision - 1).x == grapplingGun.grapplePoint.x) {
straightLine = true;
} else {
} else {
if (!isGrappling) {
isGrappling = true;
if (waveSize > 0) {
waveSize -= Time.deltaTime * straightenLineSpeed;
} else {
waveSize = 0;
if (m_lineRenderer.positionCount != 2) {
m_lineRenderer.positionCount = 2;
void DrawRopeWaves() {
// print(moveTime);
for (int i = 0; i < precision; i++) {
float delta = (float)i / ((float)precision - 1f);
Vector2 offset = Vector2.Perpendicular(grapplingGun.grappleDistanceVector).normalized * ropeAnimationCurve.Evaluate(delta) * waveSize;
Vector2 targetPosition = Vector2.Lerp(grapplingGun.firePoint.position, grapplingGun.grapplePoint, delta) + offset;
Vector2 currentPosition = Vector2.Lerp(grapplingGun.firePoint.position, targetPosition, ropeProgressionCurve.Evaluate(moveTime) * ropeProgressionSpeed);
sirJacques.transform.position = currentPosition;
m_lineRenderer.SetPosition(i, currentPosition);
void DrawRopeNoWaves() {
sirJacques.transform.position = grapplingGun.grapplePoint;
m_lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, grapplingGun.firePoint.position);
m_lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, grapplingGun.grapplePoint);