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2023-04-17 00:01:49 -07:00
using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Player Data")] //Create a new playerData object by right clicking in the Project Menu then Create/Player/Player Data and drag onto the player
public class PlayerData : ScriptableObject
[HideInInspector] public float gravityStrength; //Downwards force (gravity) needed for the desired jumpHeight and jumpTimeToApex.
[HideInInspector] public float gravityScale; //Strength of the player's gravity as a multiplier of gravity (set in ProjectSettings/Physics2D).
//Also the value the player's rigidbody2D.gravityScale is set to.
2023-04-17 00:01:49 -07:00
public float fallGravityMult; //Multiplier to the player's gravityScale when falling.
public float maxFallSpeed; //Maximum fall speed (terminal velocity) of the player when falling.
public float fastFallGravityMult; //Larger multiplier to the player's gravityScale when they are falling and a downwards input is pressed.
//Seen in games such as Celeste, lets the player fall extra fast if they wish.
public float maxFastFallSpeed; //Maximum fall speed(terminal velocity) of the player when performing a faster fall.
public float runMaxSpeed; //Target speed we want the player to reach.
public float runAcceleration; //The speed at which our player accelerates to max speed, can be set to runMaxSpeed for instant acceleration down to 0 for none at all
[HideInInspector] public float runAccelAmount; //The actual force (multiplied with speedDiff) applied to the player.
2023-04-17 00:01:49 -07:00
public float runDecceleration; //The speed at which our player decelerates from their current speed, can be set to runMaxSpeed for instant deceleration down to 0 for none at all
[HideInInspector] public float runDeccelAmount; //Actual force (multiplied with speedDiff) applied to the player .
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[Range(0f, 1)] public float accelInAir; //Multipliers applied to acceleration rate when airborne.
[Range(0f, 1)] public float deccelInAir;
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public bool doConserveMomentum = true;
public float jumpHeight; //Height of the player's jump
public float jumpTimeToApex; //Time between applying the jump force and reaching the desired jump height. These values also control the player's gravity and jump force.
[HideInInspector] public float jumpForce; //The actual force applied (upwards) to the player when they jump.
2023-04-17 00:01:49 -07:00
[Header("Both Jumps")]
public float jumpCutGravityMult; //Multiplier to increase gravity if the player releases thje jump button while still jumping
[Range(0f, 1)] public float jumpHangGravityMult; //Reduces gravity while close to the apex (desired max height) of the jump
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public float jumpHangTimeThreshold; //Speeds (close to 0) where the player will experience extra "jump hang". The player's velocity.y is closest to 0 at the jump's apex (think of the gradient of a parabola or quadratic function)
public float jumpHangAccelerationMult;
public float jumpHangMaxSpeedMult;
[Range(0.01f, 0.5f)] public float coyoteTime; //Grace period after falling off a platform, where you can still jump
[Range(0.01f, 0.5f)] public float jumpInputBufferTime; //Grace period after pressing jump where a jump will be automatically performed once the requirements (eg. being grounded) are met.
2023-04-17 00:01:49 -07:00
//Unity Callback, called when the inspector updates
private void OnValidate()
//Calculate gravity strength using the formula (gravity = 2 * jumpHeight / timeToJumpApex^2)
gravityStrength = -(2 * jumpHeight) / (jumpTimeToApex * jumpTimeToApex);
//Calculate the rigidbody's gravity scale (ie: gravity strength relative to unity's gravity value, see project settings/Physics2D)
gravityScale = gravityStrength / Physics2D.gravity.y;
//Calculate are run acceleration & deceleration forces using formula: amount = ((1 / Time.fixedDeltaTime) * acceleration) / runMaxSpeed
runAccelAmount = (50 * runAcceleration) / runMaxSpeed;
runDeccelAmount = (50 * runDecceleration) / runMaxSpeed;
//Calculate jumpForce using the formula (initialJumpVelocity = gravity * timeToJumpApex)
jumpForce = Mathf.Abs(gravityStrength) * jumpTimeToApex;
#region Variable Ranges
runAcceleration = Mathf.Clamp(runAcceleration, 0.01f, runMaxSpeed);
runDecceleration = Mathf.Clamp(runDecceleration, 0.01f, runMaxSpeed);